Personality Analysis

Personality analysis is an essential step in the process of self transformation. Scientists always assert that average man uses only 8 to 10% of his total capacity. Our bringing-up in life itself conditions us in very limited manners. Much of who we are, what we are and what drives and motivates us is hidden from our everyday awareness.

Scientific personality analysis compels you to drop your limiting habits and motivate you to change for better. Our personality analysis approach helps you to bring your limitations and possibilities of personality in consciousness. Our comprehensive approach on personality analysis leads you to self realisation consequently to self empowerment. Our personality analysis approach may help you to develop emotional intelligence, freedom from habitual stress, anxiety, depression and guilt. You may get inspired to develop a guidance system that will help you not only in choosing your career but also to guide you in every situations of future life.

We offer individualised: face-to-face & online sessions.   Enrol now: SMS: 9815017977 /Email:


YOGA OF MIND: the science of self- a 10 days  program for self transformation trains you in self-organising powers to empower your mind to act with confidence and achieve success in life.    It is a science of self education, a philosophy of life that is free from anxiety, depression, fear and stress. A way to be happy in all conditions of life.