Stress Management.

Stress is caused by the mind and in mind only. We train you to be the master of your mind. Your ability of stress management is natural benefit of your practice of yoga of mind. Yoga of mind (YOM) is a technology of human well being. Bringing up family & committing to social responsibilities, dealing with deadlines, challenging situations & inter-personal relations are natural causes of stress and anxiety in everyday life consequently stress management has become essential job of modern day life style. Stress is caused in mind and evidenced in body. We fail to manage stress because we fail to understand the root cause of stress. Bigger Stress is due to one’s deficiency in education. Yoga of mind introduces you to self education based on the science of self and special skills of self regulation. Self education helps you to introduce you to yourself at all levels and helps you to gain full knowledge of the self. With Complete knowledge of one’s self and with YOM skills of self regulation, you learn to: make better choices and take better decision, use emotional intelligence, build your capacity to work through difficulties and learn to be independent and happy in life.  This result in freedom from anxiety, depression and stress in life.

We offer individualised: face-to-face & online sessions.   Enrol now: SMS: 9815017977 /Email:




YOGA OF MIND: the science of self- a 10 days  program for self transformation trains you in self-organising powers to empower your mind to act with confidence and achieve success in life.    It is a science of self education, a philosophy of life that is free from anxiety, depression, fear and stress. A way to be happy in all conditions of life.