What is Yoga ?

Yoga is perfect control over mind and its motions. Patanjali was the codifier of yoga science. The same yoga has been widely taught for thousands of years under various names and paths. Patanjali describes the entire yoga philosophy in 196 sutra and YOGA OF MIND identifies itself with 2nd sutra of Patanjali yoga sutra “chit-vritti-nirodah”. Second sutra represents and defines yoga science in its complete sense. Which says: yoga means “chit-vritti-nirodah”. In simple words, yoga is to stop the  distractions and disturbances of the mind.

Patanjali strongly believes in total control over one’s mind in order to develop powerful, fearless mind and to live a happy and fulfilling life. 90% of classical yoga practices engagement in physical exercises with different Aasna, pranayama and meditations based on mantra and yantra

What is Yoga of Mind ?

A pioneer program by Mohan Ray, Yoga of Mind (YOM) is a knowledge and energy management program that helps resolve stress, anxiety, fears and conflicts of the mind. With countless benefits of the program, our methodologies can be used as an alternative to psychotherapy. An effortless process, it uses self knowledge like thorough reasoning, deep contemplation, impartial self enquiry in understanding the mind; its motions, notions, assumptions and projections and goes to the root cause of stress, strains, anxiety, distractions to resolve them all. Integrity, Creativity and Inexhaustibility are the benefits of Yoga of Mind. Yoga of Mind develops a mind that is empowered with intelligence and creativity. It helps you develop a  personality that demonstrates integrity and a life which is an embodiment of positive energy. YOM is a universal philosophy of human empowerment. You can study and practice this science online or offline as per your convenience.

Why Yoga of Mind ?

If you deeply and thoroughly study Patanjali yoga sutra like a Researcher, Philosopher and a Scientist, you will agree with us that Patanjali defines yoga as “chit-vritti-nirodah” which means; stop the distractions of mind. In other words Yoga creates perfect control over mind and its modifications which clearly means yoga is for the mind. The philosophy behind Yoga of Mind helps yoga become the instrument of self and yoga is thus tuning of the instrument with the self. We have gone through all 196 sutra and concluded that all sutra supports the second sutra; chit-vritti-nirodah. From this we understand that the goal of yoga practice is Yoga of Mind; so that mind is free from conflicts, stress and anxiety. Yoga of Mind exactly represents the philosophy of Patanjali Yoga Sutra with a focus on developing self knowledge-as essential knowledge to function freely with open and positive mind. Theory of Vedanta is identical to knowledge practised by yoga of mind, The best yoga practices must include Vedanta as its reference manual.  Therefore we can approach mind directly and by-pass the classical steps like physical exercises, Yoga-Asana, breathing exercises; pranayama, mental exercises with Mantra Meditations.